Do you want more visitors to your website? Join the 30 Day Traffic Challenge #30DTC

You want more clients via your website. The basis is more traffic, then you can convert visitors into subscribers, subscribers into fans, and fans into clients. Let’s see how you can this.

Most of the time it starts with the question

“I want to get more clients. How do I do that?”

write every day with the 30 day traffic challenge

This question comes to me in our mentor sessions, in the strategy calls, in my inbox…

Then we start to take the reverse route of how to get clients via your website: build products that your ideal client wants, interact with your subscribers, create valuable content for your visitors. See also From visitors to clients and the 3 things you need to do.

Last week in one of my mentor calls we talked about what has been accomplished and what actions still require attention. One action that required attention was to get more people subscribe for the newsletter. This starts with getting more traffic. He writes about two articles per month at the moment. Which are his newsletters published in the blog.

He promised me in this call that he was going to start his process to write every day from April 1. This is a great idea. Even though I think it is even better to start right away. Starting now, at the not so perfect moment.

We need to change 2 things to get more traffic and more newsletter subscribers:

  1. More content
  2. Better content

Let’s start with 1. More Content.
The basis for now is to write more.
We need to get into the habit of writing more.
The more we write the better it becomes.

Getting used to something new takes 21 days to get settled into your system. Let’s just make sure we get into this habit of writing more by doing it for 30 days, every day.

We write something and publish it on our blog every day. Some days it will be a good-sized article of about 400 words, other days it will be short, just one paragraph and other days it will be longer 1000 words or even more.

Another thing that could help you is to do this together. Join a group of people with that same challenge. State openly that you are joining the challenge so you make yourself accountable to the group. The chance that you will fail one day from the challenge are just smaller when you feel the pressure of the group.

Let’s not worry about the quality too much at first. Like Seth Godin is saying in his post Talker’s block:

“Writer’s block isn’t hard to cure.

Just write poorly. Continue to write poorly, in public, until you can write better.”

So let’s first start with writing something every day and see how this influences our writing and our traffic.

Where do I stand today

At this moment I do not have a clear goal for the end of this challenge in my head. I do know however how I want to grow this website.

By the end of 2012 I want an average of 2,000 visitors daily and 5,000 subscribers in my newsletter for this site. Selling EUR 200.00 – 300.00 on products or programs per day via this website.

Let’s start with sharing some insights where this website stands today.
The stats via Clicky (aff)

Visitors 10,758 over 30 days is 359 per day average.

These are my top articles in the last 30 days:
top articles March 2012

Today I have 735 subscribers. With the free webinar on Facebook I did this month I more than doubled the number of subscribers.
In all my newsletters combined I have over 6,000 subscribers.

Join us in this 30 Day Traffic Challenge

You want more traffic? You want to publish more of your thoughts? Join us in this 30 Day Traffic Challange.
Write in the comments that you are joining us.

When you read this later than April 1, 2012. Don’t worry you can still join us and just continue after May 1 until you finished your 30 Day Traffic Challenge.

It doesn’t matter how much traffic you are seeing at the moment. It is your starting point. So find out with Clicky or Google Analytics where you stand today.

Share you starting point and if you already know it, you can share your goal for the end of this challenge.

Update Apr 3, 2012: 5 tips from Michelle that already did 8 blog challenges, Secrets of an 8 Time Blog Challenge Champion

Posts in this challenge

An overview of the posts in this challenge started April 1:
What do you want to know about LinkedIn? #30DTC
Change the name of your Facebook Business Page #30DTC
Breakthrough your imaginary boundaries #30DTC

Are you with me?
Share your name, URL to your blog, traffic now, and goal in the comments below.

Credit photo: Linda Cronin write me a letter…

By Erno Hannink

Sparring and accountability partner for entrepreneurs who create sustainable positive impact. Explores decision-making. Shares his insights on this in, articles, books (Dutch), podcast, newsletters, and tools. Has a life mission to reduce social and ecological inequality. Father of two children, husband of M., runs, referee for the national soccer league, and uses stoicism for calm. Lives in the Netherlands. Speaks Dutch, English, and German.


  1. Ik doe mee! ik schrijf al regelmatig op m’n blog (zo’n 3 x p/w), maar ik wil graag meer bezoekers en meer conversie! Ik heb nu zo’n 2000 bezoekers per maand en bijna 100 abonnees op mijn nieuwsbrief (nog maar net mee begonnen). Mijn doel voor het eind van deze maand? 200 bezoekers per dag op m’n blog en 250 abonnees op m’n nieuwsbrief. Go for it!

  2. Yes Erno, I am in. Currently I have about 270 visitors a month on my website and I have 194 subscribers to my bi-weekly e-Zine. Goals for this month are 250 subscribers of my e-Zine and 450 visitors to my website by the end of April.


  3. Omdat Marca heeft me een duwtje in de rug gegeven – ik do ook mee.
    Mijn website is drie maanden oud. In maart heb ik net onder de 1000 uniek bezoekers gehad. mijn newsletter is kers vers en ik heb 4 subscribers – echt het begin van iets geweldigs!
    een ding – ik blog uitsluitend in het Engels!

    1. That is great Jane. Looking forward to your fresh articles for the next month. It really doesn’t matter in what language your blog is written. It is about the challenge. 🙂 Let’s grow your newsletter list with valuable subscribers.
      As you can see this blog is completely in English.

    1. Hi Irene, thank you for joining us. You have written down some steep goals especially for the newsletter. Maybe this requires some extra attention. My guess is that you have about new subscribers per day at the moment. That is 40-60 subscribers in a month. You are going for 250 new subscribers – so what extra action are you planning for that?
      Question: Why wait a month to start this challenge? Join now and do Apr 2 – May 1 (30 days). 🙂

      1. goals for the newsletter are steep yes indeed…
        I would like to have that realized before the summer. Also by tweeting my little seo book that’s for free after subscribing and with adwords 🙂

        And I’ll start a new blog…later today or tomorrow. 🙂

  4. Goed idee Erno!

    Het lukt me niet elke dag te schrijven ,ligt niet aan gebrek aan inspiratie maar ik ben vaak te veeleisend en dan komt er niks van terecht !moet nu ons e-zine weer componeren en dan kom ik wel weer in flow,
    groetjes Minky

  5. It sounds very good, a post every day. For me it is a challenge already to write a post every week 🙂
    A important reason will be, I am too critic. I want to write an article, not a post. But I realise, a post generates more traffic to my website. A few months ago I did the thirty days exercise, but then I could write about different things, just writing. Much easier than writing a blog every day and surely publishing all ‘first shitty drafts’ :).

    1. Yes, I understand being critical. I have the same issue. Just by thinking about a topic I already struggle for a long time. “No, not good. Not interesting. Not now…..” That is exactly why I started this challenge so I have to write more.

  6. Lijkt me een leuke uitdaging, ik ga hem aan. Eigenlijk heb ik geen idee hoeveel mensen mijn website bezoeken. Ik ben nog niet zo in de statistieken enzo. Het is denk al een hele uitdaging om elke dag te bloggen.

  7. Hoi Bert,

    Uiteraard herken ik wat je schrijft, het zijn -zoals je zelf al zegt- de basis ingrediënten van ondernemerschap. Ik denk dat ik jouw blog interessanter zou vinden als er meer van jezelf in zou zitten, hoe jij dat bijvoorbeeld hebt gedaan toen je net voor jezelf begon. Ik denk dat ondernemers zich dan beter kunnen herkennen in je blog. Heb je hier wat aan?

    Groet, Marca

    1. Hoi Marca,

      Dank voor je bericht. Mijn blog is vooral bedoeld om nieuwe bezoekers naar mijn website te trekken en ik betwijfel of die nou zo geintresseerd zijn in mij. Volgens mij willen ze een oplossing voor hun probleem. En dat is waar ik probeer over te schrijven. In de toekomst ga ik misschien meer van mezelf prijs geven op mijn blog, alhoewel alles wat ik nu schrijf uit eigen ervaring is. Ik vertel al wel meer over mezelf in mijn e-Zine

      1. Bert de bezoekers zijn zeker geinteresseerd in jou. Wat maakt jouw werkwijze dat het me wel gaat lukken. Wat zijn jouw ervaringen in de artikelen.

    1. Aan te sluiten bij de vorige reactie. Hoe zorg jij er voor dat je ongelofelijk gelukkig bent, ook op momenten dat het allemaal even tegenzit. Vul aan met je eigen ervaringen in het artikel. Hoe jij er een keer doorheen zet en toch ongelofelijk gelukkig werd nadat je….

      Jouw blog zorgt er voor dat mensen vertrouwen in je krijgen, dat ze je leren kennen. Dit kan beter en sneller als je meer van jezelf laat zien. Dan bedoel ik vooral artikelen met een onderwerp en daarbij jouw leermomenten, hoe jij dat hebt gedaan.

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